Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gojinko Festival

The Gojinko festival is also called the Naked Man festival. Basically groups of men drink sake and carry small shrines. They also slowly lose their clothes but I didnt stay late because it was cold ahahahahah. I've never seen so many drunk Japanese men before.

This video is poorer quality because I recorded it with my digital camera.

Also here are some pics!

Gojinko Festival

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Halloween and Birthday to Me!

I turned thirty years old this week. It's kind of irritating moving up a whole age group ahahhahaahah.

Here's a picture someone drew of me at the Nonta Festival. I look 13 years old :)

For Halloween I dressed up as Toad from the Mario Bros. games. In Japan the character's name is Kinopio. I made the hat myself! :D

More posts coming soon!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tokuyama Zoo

I've been to the zoo twice now. This video is a mixture of clips from both occasions. The high pitch sound is the "Semi" (Cicadas) which constantly make noise during the hottest month of summer. It's like a constant high pitch static noise at a high volume ALL THE TIME.

Some things I really enjoyed at the zoo are the polar bear, the lesser panda and its babies, and the rabbit roundup at the end of the video.

And some pics!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Battle with the Beast

Me Vs. the biggest spider I have ever encountered. I really hate spiders aahahahah.

Warning: Heightened emotions encourage profanity during this war.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Here are some more pictures that I took a long while ago.



Here are some pictures of some food that I've had in japan.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Nearby Cemetary

I have a long grveyard nearby my place. Its very peaceful and is a very nice place for a stroll. I'm going to try posting a gallery for the first time without it being a slideshow.


Feel free to tell me if this works or not for you because it is much easier for me :)

Friday, July 1, 2011


So I've changed the comments setting and hopefully it will work better for everyone. Blogger seems to have a problem with the comments system and they are working on it.

I could buy this Empire Strikes Back Laser Disc for 1$ lol

Thursday, June 23, 2011

More Pictures!

Here are some more pictures. Just random pics of driving and walking around Japan to show you what its generally like where I am.


So I FINALLY got around to organizing my pictures a bit. Lets start with the start, my flight to Japan. Click the speech box in the slide-show for my captions.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

One Month!

Hello everyone!

I decided to do some recording today and uploaded an updated walkthrough of my apartment.

Also here are some pics that show the garbage schedule and some info, for those of you actually interested in Japan's garbage system ;)

Monday, May 23, 2011

First Sight Of My New Home

This is an early tour of my apartment in Shunan Japan. Ill do a more uptodate one soon to show how things have changed.

I hate spiders.

The Eagle Has Crashed

So I now have internet and will be uploading pictures and movies. These first videos are of my first night and morning in Fukuoka. I was very tired and confused by this point so I may seem a bit dazed ahahahah

Turns out the breakfast wasn't free >:(

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I am alive!

Sorry to everyone who have been concerned about my lack of posting on my blog. I have know internet yet except for tiny connection here and there.

Japan is great!I am alive and gettting situated in my new home of Shunan. I have been very busy exploring and surviving.

Pictures and videos will be uploaded when I have my my own internet, hopefully within the next couple of days.

Here is my first pic of Japan while descending from the clouds.

Blind and deaf from input overload,
Brian Bohrson

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm moving to Japan!

I'm moving to Japan!

I am flying from Calgary to Tokyo on April 30. 10 hour flight! Then I fly for another 2 hours from Tokyo to Fukuoka where I will be staying overnight at the Best Western hotel. The next day I will take the train to Shunan, the city I will be living in for the next year. Here is a link with some info about Shunan:,_Yamaguchi

I will be working for the Shunan English School (SES), as an English language teacher for a year. Here is a link to their website that I have translated to English for you. Click on "FAQ For Teachers" if you want more details of what I'm getting into:|en&

 Also here is a map location of exactly where I will be working and living nearby:

View Larger Map

I have one last full day in Swift Current tomorrow.  I'm am feeling quite anxious and trying to think of anything else that I may need to prepare. This has been making it difficult to sleep ahahahaahha