Friday, April 3, 2015

I Bought A Car!!!

Okay, I actually bought it in January but it takes me forever to post things. :P

I bought a used Suzuki Alto for about $1500 dollars Canadian. 150,000 Yen to be exact. Its a beige little K-car that is only about 10 years old which is great considering its price.

Its been great for me because its small, light, and is very fun to drive. You dont want a big car in Japan because your have to drive on a lot of tight roads and tiny parking lots.

It has a USB player!  :D

This is it parked in my official parking spot about a block away from my apartment. Its a very spider friendly setup >:(

If I have any problems I take it to Suzuki BooBoo ahahahahah

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Geeze Brian, Update!

Sorry! It takes a lot of motivation for me to actually post something hahahaha. So here's some randomness from my last few months in 
Yamaguchi, Japan.

Once a year the military opens its doors to the public. People can come in, look around, watch demonstrations, and ride a tank! 

This is me in Osaka. Osaka is Japan's second largest city, so it's not as bad a Tokyo hahahah. I had to go there to attend a training seminar and had to stay a day longer due to a typhoon.

This huge statue showed up in my nearby mall for a day. Not sure why but "why" is never a good question to ask in Japan.

On November 26 my company had its Christmas day for the kids. They came and got gifts and I held 2 special Christmas classes where they made Christmas cards to give to their parents. That beard was terrible.

I think these were police characters promoting safety of some kind. This was in the train station in Osaka. Kids being coaxed by there parents to approach giant cartoons is pretty common in Japan.

This is a driving school. I am so glad I dont have to do this.

My biggest regret so far is not entering the KitKat store in Osaka. ARRRGGG. Hopefully next time.

This is Osaska during the day.

This is Osaka during the night.

Yup. A StarWars themed English - Japanese dictionary. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Brian in Japan Season 3!

Well I'm back in Japan! I am now living in Yamaguchi prefecture again but this time in Yamaguchi city. This is very close to where i lived my first year in Shunan, Yamaguchi.

Here is my first walktrough of my new apartment. I will do it again after living here for a while more.

I found this slide to be wierd and a little dangerous because of the little slits between the pads. I didnt try it though :(


This is the Hotel I stayed in for a few nights when I first came to Yamaguchi. Very good!

This is the inside of a nearby mall.

Welcome back to Japan. I hope you can zoom in the read this more clearly.

This is an insane amount of chives on the pork I ordered.

There a variety of neat fountains and bridges everywhere in this city.

This is one of the 2 locations I work in. Its really easy to find because no other houses look like this.

Cutting yourself while shaving on the first day of work means good luck right? hahahaha I have never even cut myself shaving before. :(

This is me trying a variety of different unrecognizable foods. And that's what its like to live in Japan!

More to come soon!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Ahahhaahahah sorry about no posts in a while but ya here's Halloween!

I did Halloween activities with my students for a whole week before Oct 31st.  Please remember that halloween is not common in Japan. Most activities are foreign to them but the flood of candy is mind-blowing.

I dressed as Toad [Kinopio in japanese] again from the mario bros. games because I like it and I can work it into my classes well, but this time I included a costume making activity where my students can make masks so I was more like 'Robber Toad'.

Later on the weekend I helped out at the nearby clinics Halloween Party.  They organized a great trick or treating route which we guided in groups. It was a little nerve-racking that I had group #1 because my Japanese is not very good and I wasn't sure where we were going.

Luckily, they provided every group with a map and a unique course to follow. Check it out in this pic:

13 locations participated, which made it an awesome experience for the kids. 

This guy had a great Jack Skelington costume. I wish I took a better pic.

These people had a whole buffet style of treats for kids. Even melon hahaahh its a Japanese thing.

Afterwards, we returned to the party where they demolished a unique string pulling piƱata and then examined their loot.

It was a fun but exhausting week!

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Day In Tokyo

Here's some pics of a day I spent in Tokyo with some other teachers. First is a video of a bunch of different bits of video I recorded.

Welcome to Tokyo!

Here is a big statue of what looks like 2 giant stool snakes consuming each other.

Luckily everyone is a work today.

First place we decide to go: The Tokyo Sewerage Museum! 

This is a TV that showed us what it was like to be in a sewer pipe when people flushed their toilets while we stood directly in the stream's path. The pic isn't very good but the brown bits were poopies and the white was toilet paper. Sometime a ruby ring would come down!

This is what I would look like if I worked for the Tokyo Sewerage Department.

Next Stop. This was a very large mall on a dock.

Always keep an eye open for a good English quote. No They didn't want us to sit on it. 

Something for everyone!

The only thing I wanted was not for sale.

Joypolis is an indoor amusement park. It was games and rides and was quite a fun place. We spent most of our day here.

I should have took more pics inside Joypolis but it was dark inside. This was the best ride. "Veil of Dark" combined a roller-coaster ride with a shooting game. As the coaster climbs up it would stop and we would have to shoot monsters using a control device on our safety harness. After we beat the final boss we go down a short but fun ride. Some really cool visuals and the unique idea made this worth going on multiple times.

That's about all I feel like mentioning for now. More to come soon!